Nso Culture

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Nso Culture


Nso is village found in Bamenda grass fields, Northwest Region of Cameroon, precisely in the Bui Division. Both the people and the capital are sometimes referred to as Banso (meaning people of Nso) – the addition of the Ba prefix is attributed to the Fulani conquerors in the 17th century; the prefix resonates in the names of towns around the area. The capital of Nso is Kumbo originally called Kimbo which is where the Palace of the Fon is found.

Brief History

The Nso’ people migrated from Tikari in the Adamawa Region of Cameroon when there was a bloody succession after the death of Chief Tinki in 1387. The enthronement of Mveing as successor of Tinki sent all rivals to the throne away from Kimi. Ngonnso’, the founder of the Nso’ dynasty, left Kimi with a few followers together with her brothers Nchare Yen and Mbombam and their respective followers. After parting company with her brothers, Ngonnso’ and her followers first settled in Mbo’nso’, then later to Ndzennso’, Kovifem, Taavisa (for security), back to Koovifem, then to Kimbo (Kumbo). The tribe got its name from Ngonnso’, and is one of the largest tribes of Cameroon.


The langauge of the Nso people is the Lamso. Their traditional meal is corn fufu, eaten with huckleberry, prepared often with very little palm oil and salt. They are known for the cultivation of good irish potatoes, highly sort after in Cameroon. The Head of the community is the King often referred to as the Fon; His Majesty Sehm Mbinglo I. He is the Paramount leader of others Fons in Bui Namely Oku, Noni, Mbiame, Nkar, Kiluun, Nseh, Mbokam, Ndze’en, Dzerem etc. The Kingdom founded by a woman Ngonso also has some other Traditional Rulers like Shufais, Fais, Sheys, Yaas, Fengais etc.

Nso is known for producing most intellectuals in the country, one of which is Late Professor Bernard N. Fonlon who stood behind the translation of the Cameroon Anthem from French to English.

The people of Nso are known for their cultural preservation and identity, with a unique accent that cuts across their communication in different languages.



The kingdom of Nso. (n.d.). Scandy Media | Cultural Exchanges. News & Entertainment. https://sheytatah.dk/kingdom-nso/

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