Bamileke Culture

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Bamileke Culture


The territory it occupies is located between 4° and 6° North latitude, and 9° and 10° East longitude, It covers an area of ​​6200km². It is a vast quadrilateral of undulating high plateaus, bordered to the east by the Noun valley, to the south-west by the full Mbo collapse, to the south-east by the Dibum depression and to the south by the course upper Makombé. 

Summary History

They would descend from the Baladis who left Egypt in the 9th century and arrived in the Tikar region (Grassland region in the center-west of present-day Cameroon) around the middle of the 12th century. A dynamic and enterprising people, the Bamiléké live in the mountainous areas and constitute the most important ethnic group, from a demographic point of view, of the Grasslands.


The Bamileke Country is made up of a mosaic of small and medium-sized chiefdoms which were formed by segmentation from a few basic chiefdoms. Socio-political organization is also centralized. The history of the Bamileke people has been marked by several battles for the defense of their autonomy and their territory, and the chiefdoms have played a key role in preserving their identity.
A Bamileke chieftaincy is a kind of mini-state centralized around a powerful chief who enjoys the power of semi-divine right. The chief is a descendant of the founding dynasty of the village. But this power is moderated by the existence of secret societies.
There are administrative secret societies such as the council of 9 (notables each representing the founding fathers of the chieftaincy), religious secret societies such as the council of 7 and secret warrior societies that fight evil totemic sorcerers.

Masquerades are an integral part of Bamileke culture and expression. Colorful, beaded masks are donned at special events such as funerals, important palace festivals and other royal ceremonies. The masks are performed by men and aim to support and enforce royal authority

They are primarily known to be a dynamic and enterprising people, they are pushing in business, huzzling and objective.


  1. Project, Joshua. “Bamileke-Tchang in Cameroon” Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  2. (2023, April 2). In Wikipedia.
  3. (2021, April 13) Root magazine.
  4. “Bamileke | people | Britannica” Retrieved 2022-05-15.
  5. Blench, Roger (2011). “‘The membership and internal structure of Bantoid and the border with Bantu” (PDF). Berlin: Humboldt University.
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