
A cultural conservation app/ website where people can learn their mother tongues, cultural dances, cultural songs, history, practices and attires.

Education was brought to Africa to provide literacy and intergration with the modern world but unfortunately, this intergration has slowly but silently shifted us from our own primary or original identity. This deviation is getting bigger by the day also much so that there is great probability that in upcoming generations, elements of our cultural identity might just be historical facets found the museums.
Our languages, our traditional practices, Our dances, dressing habits and even our tales and forms of education risk being completely forgotten and abandoned.

This reality inspired us to design “Home-me”
Home-me is a cultural advancement platform or app that contains an achirve for our various cultures elements especially our disappearing languages.
Home one provides a platform wherin anyone can learn their mother tongue, cultural history, songs, dances and many more, bringing us closer to our roots.
Home-me has a feature to search different languages and can help pronounce words in this languages and provide spellings and Phonetics.

We have being trying to cover as many languages as possible but considering the vast amount of Languages in Africa, it hasn’t been easy. We therefore we call on volunteers/sponsors to help us make this platform more exhausting and encompassing.

